Moray Gallery

Sarah Freiburger

Painting is my absolute passion.  I grew up in Southern Germany and have been painting as long as I can remember. I have expanded on my work through experimentation over the past two decades. I moved to Dunedin at the end of 2011 to be with my Kiwi partner.  As a trained primary school teacher I have been working in Dunedin Schools over the past decade all the while working on my paintings, techniques and skills.

The majority of my work encompasses landscapes in many forms, shapes and sizes with a touch of realism. I primarily work with acrylic on a smooth, hard surface. I am especially captivated by the vibrant colours and the diversity of the New Zealand landscape. However, my European influence shines through in my big forest scenes. My most recent acrylic works focus on the play of light in a landscape. Since 2018 I began exploring with watercolours and am absolutely loving it.  Those works are more impressionistic with some detail in front of a light-filled background.


Here and Now $690.00 Crystal Falls, Waipori $3500.00 Descending $1600.00